One Night Romances
This one is dedicated to my one night romances,
whose glances were written with hidden desires
and bust was lust-ridden, col' smitten with fire.
Her entire ambition bore predictions of pleasure
and I envisioned positions I knew I would treasure.
She measured her fun the the run of excitement
and with a flip of her tongue I was flung...
& I liked it!
Her psychic temptations were invitations to her flesh-
with every sway of her hips and each shake of her breasts.
She dressed with the intentions of being mentioned by men,
then was blessed by their attention & their directions to sin.
This one definitely goes out to my one night romances,
whose advances were conducted through seductive dances.
Her stances did plead to be pierced by my passion
with a longing so fierce- she demanded satisfaction.
You know who you are... my sexy porno star.
Once so close we both perspired,
now you're only admired from afar.
Oh, I'm so glad you let me in, to enjoy the skin
on your body.
No, I'll never speak to you again...
but I'll be thinking of you fondly.