Olmeca - Pieces of Me EP

Olmeca - Pieces of Me EP
"Pieces of Me" song has been used in classrooms at the high school and university level, as well as, workshops on identity and culture. We are honored that the music is used in this manner. In addition, we want to recognize those teachers who provide students will alternative information despite possible hostility from their administration! We are preparing a five song EP titled "Pieces of Me!" It features the beautiful voice of singer/songwriter Iren Diaz. This EP is in your honor and to all those who support quality music with a message! - Olmeca

The EP will be avaible on itunes, amazon, cdbaby, and all online retailers. Of course it will be available for purchase and (giveaway) at shows anywhere in the U.S. and abroad.

EP Includes...

1. Pieces of Me original version (Counter Culture album 2010)
2. Pieces of Me Instrumental
3. Pieces of Me Acapella
4. Pieces of Me Unplugged ft. Irene Diaz
5. Dead President bonus track

Pieces Of Me by Olmecamusik

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