Q&A With Eric Bobo of the Mighty Cypress Hill

Eric Bobo of Cypress Hill / photo by Sal Rojas Photography

BrownPride.com: You're known world wide as a member of the mighty Cypress Hill, but now you�re starting to build a solo identity, do you think that will be a easy job and why did you wait until now?

Eric Bobo: I do think that my job will be easier than before because I�m more known through being a part of Cypress Hill. My album comes with more curiosity than expectation because no one really knows what to expect from an Eric Bobo album. I�ve been really working on this album for 3 years and maybe a year before that just preparing what I really wanted to do. I think that the timing is better than ever for me to release �Meeting of the Minds (M.O.T.M.)� because with the music business being the way that it is now, it�s better for the independent artist. I don�t think a major label would�ve quickly jumped at this record, and if they did go with it, they probably wouldn�t know what to do with it.

BrownPride.com: What can you tell us about a "The Meeting Of The Minds Volume 1 (M.O.T.M.)" and how is it different from a Cypress Hill record?

Eric Bobo: The main difference between �M.O.T.M.� and a Cypress Hill record is that my album is way more eclectic. It features different genres of music so it�s just not based on hip-hop. Cypress is a team effort and in a sense a meeting of the minds, and so is my album but I�m doing it with different people. I do have B-Real on a song and the song does have a dark feel to it, but for the most part, my album isn�t like a Cypress album at all.

BrownPride.com: Speaking of Cypress Hill, are we still pretty far from seeing a new record and is there a title for that album yet?

Eric Bobo: The new Cypress album is well underway and is now starting to take shape. We are looking at March 2009 for a release, but you know how things could change. March sounds realistic though.

BrownPride.com: There has been a lot of talk all over the Internet about DJ Muggs no longer being a member of Cypress Hill, could you clear that up for Brownpride.com members?

Eric Bobo: First of all,DJ Muggs will always be a member of Cypress Hill, that�s without a doubt. I do think for being together for such a long time and even longer for Muggs, B-Real and Sen-dog because of growing up since teenagers, it�s important for us to be able to grow as artists. This new Cypress Album will be the first one without DJ Muggs being the only producer, but he still contributed to the album.

BrownPride.com: Now before Cypress Hill you were a member of the Beastie Boys, why did you switch over to Cypress Hill and do you still have a relationship with the Beastie Boys?

Eric Bobo: I played with the Beasties from 1992-1995 and I recorded on a few albums. I had great times with them and I learned so much. I can say that I�ve had the pleasure of playing with 2 of the most influential hip-hop bands ever. As far as me �switching over� to Cypress from Beasties, it was just a matter of the Beasties taking a long break after we did the �Ill Communication� album and tour, and I started touring with Cypress, which was in 1993. They brought me in as a member and were more of a presence with them, but in 98, the Beasties were going on their �Hello Nasty� tour and I was asked to go on that tour. I couldn�t because Cypress was doing the �Smokin� Grooves� tour. They needed someone who was full time and at that point, I couldn�t juggle the two anymore. We still are very cool with each other. We are family!! I recently jammed with them on their L.A. stop of their 2007 tour. It was the first time in about 10 years that we had played together. It was just like riding a bike. HAHA!!

BrownPride.com: Where did you grow up and did being the son of great Willie Bobo make it hard to stay in one place as far as schooling goes?

Eric Bobo of Cypress Hill / photo by Sal Rojas Photography

Eric Bobo: I grew up in L.A. and we were pretty much stationary so it wasn�t hard to stay in one place. It was more my dad that did the traveling.

BrownPride.com: Who would you like to work with in a future?

Eric Bobo: I think there are too many to list because since I�ve been exposed to so many different groups and styles since doing �M.O.T.M.�, my list has grown. I would like to work with more Spanish emcee�s though like Nina Dioz, Mala Rodriguez, Sekreto (who is on M.O.T.M.), Serko, and I would like to do some stuff with Plastilina Mosh, Manu Chao, as well as doing more stuff with Ill Bill, and people like Guilty Simpson, The Perceptionists. There�s too many. I would like to work with as many artists as I can.

BrownPride.com What's in Bobo's IPod right now?

Eric Bobo: Which Ipod are you talking about? I have a few. HAHA. I�ve actually been listening to more Latin-Alternative stuff lately, but I listen to just about everything.

BrownPride.com: What are some of your favorite vacation spots in the United States and why?

Eric Bobo: I like Sedona, Arizona because it�s peaceful; Palm Springs because my homie has a spot out there so we can do what we want. HAHA. New York because that�s where I was born, and I have tons of family there. San Francisco because it�s just dope out there!!

BrownPride.com: Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Eric Bobo: I would like to thank Sal Rojas for the dope pics and to BrownPride.com for supporting Cypress Hill and myself. Don�t forget, �M.O.T.M.� drops this November 18th in stores and online on Nacional Records. Pick that up and enjoy the sounds!!!

Interview by Danny Brecher and photos by Sal Rojas Photography

Eric Bobo's Meeting of the Minds dropping 11.18.2008 / photo by Sal Rojas Photography

Eric Bobo Presents: Meeting of the Minds Volume I | RELEASE DATE NOV. 18th!!

Featuring Ill Bill, Sick Jacken, B-Real, Tony Touch, Hurricane G., Thirsten Howl III, Cultura Londres, The Demigodz, Tak (Styles Of Beyond), Sol Invicto, Death By Hollywood, Stephen Carpenter (the Deftones), Outthere, Minus P., Enmicasa ft. Zed & Vacca, DJ Rhettmatic, keen (Subliminal Orphans), DJ Toy Selectah (Control Machete) and more!

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