BrownPride.Com Slambook

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Name/Nick: LiL C
E-Mail: [email protected]
City/State: AuStiN, TeXaS
Date/Time: 5/8/2008 4:31:57 AM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
tOo MaNY!!!!
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
i LiKE aLoT sO???? i DuNNo!!!!
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
aNyThiNG tHaT lOoKs cUtE oN mE!!!!
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
mY iMPaLa oN 24" bLaDeS!!!!
Favorite movie(s)::
aNyThiNg tHaT's iNtErEsTiNg!!!!
The sports team you support the most is::
nOt rEaLLy iNtO sPoRt's bUt i gOt tO rEprEsEnT tHeM cOwBoY'z!!!!
The magazine you read the most::
i dOn'T rEaD aNy MaGaZiNe'S......
The best book you ever read::
tHeM mYsTeRy bOoKs aRe oFF tHe cHaiN!!!
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
mY mOm bEcaUsE sHe'S sHoWeD mE eVeRYtHiNG i nEEd tO kNoE iN LiFe
Favorite hobbies::
cRuSiN aNd jUx cHiLLeN WiTh mY FaMiLy

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