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It's In My Jeans- Volume 1 by Mr. SagNMyJeans
The Summer of 2012 is in its final days and the temperatures are high! Also hot is the... [More...]
Complex - L.A. To Worldwide Vol.1 Mix Tape
Complex has been out there grindin'... rocking shows all over town. In fact, he has performed in almost every hot spot in Los Angeles; including: the...[More...]
Loko - Ready 2 Get Paid
Do Everything Fresh is proud to bring you "Ready 2 Get Paid", the first single off the upcoming EP from the labels newly signed artist Loko... [More...]
Olmeca - Pieces of Me EP
Pieces of Me" song has been used in classrooms at the high school and university level, as well as...[More...]
DJ DAP - Da Mixtape (free download)
Free mixtape titled "Da Mixtape" by Colombian turntablist DJ DAP featuring various Latino artists from throughout Latin America...[More...]
King Darius - Reign of King Darius
The Reign of King Darius dropped on 2-12-2012. It's the latest, great Misol Tribe production by DJ Dubb One...[More...]
I'm Gone - Sick Jacken and Cynic
The Psycho Realm presents "I'm Gone" the first single off the new "Terror Tapes Vol. 2" by Sick Jacken and Cynic...[More...]

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